Showcasing the art and ritual of the African and African-diaspora religions

Crown of Yemayá

Catalog Number: B041


5.61" x 4.79" x 7.17"

142.46 mm x 121.68 mm x 182.17 mm

Religion and Denomination: Ocha (Cuba, Yoruba)
Transatlantic Family of Religion: Orisha
Country of Origin: United States
Ethnographic Origin: Caribbean
Materials: Glass
Date of Manufacture: 03/2014
Usage: Ritual (used)
Detailed Description of Significance:

The shape of this crown is an example of the mixture of the traditional European and African imagery that co-exist in many of the sacred object used in religions of the African diaspora. The smaller crowns attached to the silver circlet are similar in design to crowns worn by European royalty. The silver chains and the objects attached to them create a veil that partially hides the face of the wearer. Veils like this are found on crowns in West Africa.

Though the veil is inspired by veils in West Africa, it is important to note that the silver objects hanging from it would not be present in a West African crown. These objects, refered to as tools of the god, would instead be found in the altar constructed for the orisha. This crown is not simply a combination of European and West African styles, but a new form developed by practicioners of Santería.