18.25" x 13.875 x .896"
464 mm x 353 mm x 22.78 mm
This ceramic tile drink tray was designed by Ernesto Pichardo, a Cuban Santero. He led the Church of the Lukumí Babalú Ayé in Hialeah, Florida. He is is among the priests who have tried to re-Africanize his religion. And he has led the effort to establish public and permanent houses of Lucumí worship in the United States, where most practice occurs in people’s homes. His church’s website provides more information on the services they provide and their views on Afro-Cuban religion: http://www.churchofthelukumi.com/.
Pichardo was also the plaintiff in the Supreme Court case Church of the Lukumí Babalú Ayé, Inc. v. Hialeah. In 1987 the city of Hialeah, Florida, promulgated a law prohibiting animal sacrifice, a central feature of Lucumí religion. However, this prohibition failed to restrict the practice of Hallah or Kosher butchery. Consequently, the justices of the Supreme Court decided that the ordinance was primarily aimed at suppressing Santería practice. The ordinance was declared unconstitutional on the grounds that it undermined First Amendment guarantees of the free practice of religion.
Sacred Arts of the Black Atlantic Project, Duke University
Box 90091
Durham, NC 27708