Showcasing the art and ritual of the African and African-diaspora religions

Bunched Necklace (Collar de Mazo) of San Lázaro/Afimalle/Asojano/Babalú Allé.

Catalog Number: B344


Lenght:  162.56cm / 64in  

Religion and Denomination: Ocha (Cuba, Yoruba)
Transatlantic Family of Religion: Orisha
Country of Origin: Cuba
Ethnographic Origin: Caribbean
Materials: Beads
Usage: Ritual (non-yet-used)
Detailed Description of Significance:

The colors of the beads are preciosos and symbolically appropriate to the god—morado (purple) and blue-and-white-striped beads (which, in Brazil, I note, are actually for the mother [Nanã] of Babalú Allé’s counterpart Omolú).  These patrons take for granted the additional normative colors in the god’s color combination—white and black.