Showcasing the art and ritual of the African and African-diaspora religions

Brooch for the Yoruba God Ọbàtálá

Catalog Number: B356


Height:6.6cm / 2.6 inches
Width:3.8cm / 1.5 inches

Religion and Denomination: Santería (Cuba, Yoruba)
Transatlantic Family of Religion: Orisha
Country of Origin: United States
Ethnographic Origin: African-American
Materials: Iron
Usage: Tourist/Souvenir
Detailed Description of Significance:

In African-American orisha-worship (which is consciously modeled on Yoruba indigenous religion) and the Cuban Santería/Ocha tradition that so influenced African-American orisha-worship, Ọbàtálá (known to Cubans as “Obatalá” and to African Americans as “Obatala”) is associated with wisdom, age, and purity.