Showcasing the art and ritual of the African and African-diaspora religions

Vaina/ Seed-pod Rattle for Oyá

Catalog Number: B031


16.5" x 3.51" x 1.78"

419.10 mm x 89.18 mm x 45.29 mm

Religion and Denomination: Santería (Cuba, Yoruba)
Ethnographic Origin: Cuban (Caribbean)
Materials: Cowries
Usage: N/A
Detailed Description of Significance:

This vaina, is a seed-pod rattle, is for Oyá, the turbulent and forceful warrior Lucumí deity of wind and storms, who is usually imagined as a strong-willed woman with a lot of attitude, who can also sometimes be called Yancan — a name linking her to the ancestral spirits. The 9 colors on the rattle are all symbolic of Oyá, who also Oya is said to be a tall woman who is often seen dressed in a wine color dress with a belt that holds a grass skirt with 9 different color cloths.